I didn’t move abroad so I could “catch ’em all,” but I would be lying if I didn’t at least consider the benefit being in a new country would have on my Pokedex.
Sadly, it has done nothing for my ‘dex. In fact, I caught more unusual Pokemon while pet-sitting at a friend’s in Florida. (Thanks, Steph!)

Here’s the deal: Because Wellington is on the water, that means there is a lot of water Pokemon to be found. However, this was true when I lived in West Palm Beach, Florida as well, so essentially, I am getting the same Pokemon I got there, MINUS the regionals. (And in case you’re wondering, New Zealand doesn’t have any regionals. You can only get Kangaskan in Australia.) Guys, I’m really sick of all the Psyduck.

On a positive note, I have been getting more 10k eggs here, so that may count for something. However, my 2k eggs so far have just about all been Goldeen and Oddish.

Also, Team Instinct actually represents here?
Bottom line: New Zealand is good for a lot of things, but Pokemon isn’t one of them.
But hey, you can catch Ekans here, even though there are no snakes in the country…