Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

Today is Thanksgiving in the states. While it’s not the first time I’ve “missed” the holiday with my family (working in news will do that to you,) it is my first one being quite literally half a world away, which, surprisingly, is a little difficult for me. In addition to missing my friends and family, I am also missing the “Thanksgiving atmosphere” that tends to fill the States this week. You know what I’m talking about: that festive feeling that the holiday season is upon us.

However, I do want to take a moment to express how thankful I am for all of you reading along and following my experience at the moment. Your input and comments really continue to inspire me to write more, share more, and even just keep going when things get tough. I am amazed at how many of you are interested in my travels and wellbeing; your love and support mean the world to me, and without it, I probably would’ve stopped blogging months ago.
I also want to say how thankful I am for the experience I am having at the moment in New Zealand. I have met so many people here who have supported me through some dark times (and I’m not just talking about the short days!) I also have a wonderful job and a flurry of opportunity ahead thanks to the skills I have learned during my stay here. This experience has also brought me closer to a lot of people back home who I lost contact with and that makes my heart happy.
I do have plans to celebrate the holiday in New Zealand next week, so maybe I’ll write a full post about that at some point, but for now, I just wanted to share a few things I am thankful for with you on this special day.

Taking off!

Taking Off Title Picture Amiekays Adventure

If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?

Right now, I am waiting to get on my one-way flight to New Zealand via Los Angeles and Fiji. I am much calmer than I feel I should be, given my history of anxiety and depression. But I’m not. Maybe that’s because I’m taking the leap and doing something I never thought would be available to me as a daughter of a single mother with 7 kids.

Just a week ago I would be arriving at my job as a news producer in sunny, West Palm Beach, Florida. But I’m not there, and chances are after 8 long years I may never put together another newscast again. Instead, I have chosen to be unemployed so I can pursue a bigger, more important dream: to see the world despite growing up poor, and despite the mound of student debt I have to my name.

Getting here was not easy; there was a lot of tears and sleepless nights. There were goodbyes I wasn’t prepared to say and lots of second-guessing. I will take you through that journey in posts to come, but right now…it is time to fly.