UPDATE: As many of you know the Hurricane ended up not being too bad for this part of Florida, although some of my friends did end up without power and a little bit of flooding. I am happy to report they are all safe and I am relieved.
Original Post:

It is weird watching things happen to the places and people you love from the other side of the world. Right now, Hurricane Irma is just beginning to be felt in Florida, a place I still think of as home and a place I hope to return to someday. Just about everyone I know there has evacuated to “dryer” places or is holed up in a news station providing 24-hour coverage to viewers. And while I don’t envy the danger they are in, this oddly doesn’t change my longing for home; part of me still wishes I was there. Maybe this is because I left for the “wrong” reasons, or just because I am worried about lots of people whom I love. Who knows, but Florida is weighing heavily on my mind today. There is some good news: the hurricane looks like it won’t hit the area I am most familiar with directly, and as I said previously all of my closest friends are in places I know are safe. But the danger isn’t over, and I will have to ride this one and wait and see what happens just like everyone else. Fingers crossed.