One of my favorite things about Wellington and New Zealand, in general, is how much walking people do here. And because it’s part of the culture, that means there are a lot of specifically walking paths to get around. They are so prevalent, Google maps use them in directions. This means whenever I go somewhere new on foot, I am almost always treated to new landscapes and views (as well as muddy sneakers.) It’s amazing how much beauty there is here in Wellington, just outside the city limits.
Below is a series of pictures I’ve taken over the past 3 months in Wellington, all taken during unexpected journeys.
Shelly Bay
On my way to Shelly Bay, I took a path down a mountain which offered me this stunning view.For a moment, I felt like I was back in the tropics.
I was on my way to a friend’s house for brunch when I stumpled upon this quaint bridge.This is a popular type of path in more urban spots of New Zealand. In some cases, the mail man has to take them to get to the entrance of people’s houses!This feels like the entrance to a secret garden but really its just the entrance to one of the walking paths in Kelburn.
The edge of Mt. Victoria and Oriental Bay
On my way to the Mt. VIctoria trail, I spotted this stunning view of Oriental Bay
Oruati Reserve in Point Dorset
After a yummy brunch at Scorch-O-Rama, my friends and I took a brief walk through a gorgeous reserve. It is easy to take photos when the sun does what you want it to!I couldn’t resist sharing this photo of a dog running into my photo. <3 Puppies and that view!
Stuart Park in Titahi Bay
While exploring my friend’s new work ‘hood, we stumbled upon this beautiful view at Stuart Park in Titahi Bay
2 Replies to “Unexpected Journeys”
You took these photos on your Google pixel?! They’re amazing.
You took these photos on your Google pixel?! They’re amazing.
I know, right?! And yeah, all are taken with my phone. It helps when the subject is naturally beautiful of course. 🙂