So first, I want to apologize for my growing absences from this blog. It is not intentional, but there is a lot of reasons behind it, and I want to bring you up to speed.
I’d like to say by absence is just an unfortunate reality of having a full-time job for the foreseeable future. Yes, almost immediately after my last post I got offered a long-term contract with the company I am temping for. Funny how that worked. (Heck, I even am getting paid time off!) This is all great news as I have one less thing to stress about, but it also means I am much busier than I was when I first arrived in New Zealand, and that means I have less time to explore, and therefore a lot less to write about. (I do want to mention, however, I am still exploring in bite sized amounts and have a lot of fun adventures lined up in the future, so stay tuned!)
But as I said, this isn’t the only reason I’ve disappeared. I’ve also disappeared because I am struggling with the cold. (Yes, it’s the end of summer for most of you, but in the Southern Hemisphere it is very much still winter.) This is making me very homesick for warmer temperatures, and particularly Florida, to the point I was making plans to return there as early next month. My bags were all but packed, and I didn’t write because this reality was a hard one for me to admit, but one I think you should know. As excited as I am to have this time in New Zealand, it is also not an easy transition, especially now that life is becoming a bit more routine.
The homesickness is more than just the temperature. It’s hard seeing my friends in the States go through big life changes, both positive ones, and negative ones, and not feel like I can be there for them. Sure, the internet makes this a bit easier these days, but I am still 16 hours in the future, so that means when most people I love in the U.S. are free to chat with me, I am either asleep or at work.
I am also missing my old life and frankly, having a career. I miss having a car and a place to call my own. I miss having a freaking closet, central heat, and even a video game console. These are all things I would’ve said didn’t mean much to me before I left but once I got here, I find myself daydreaming about these simple and strange things.
Don’t get me wrong, I would not trade my time here in New Zealand for anything. Even though it hasn’t been all positive, it has been great. Wellington is as amazing as everyone says it is, and many of the friendships I’ve made here are ones I will take with me for life. I’ve even bought hiking boots because, well, it’s an activity I’ve actually come to enjoy and one that’s hard to avoid here in New Zealand. (Honestly, even some of the walking paths here are basically mini-hikes.) But it doesn’t make missing my friends and family any easier, and it doesn’t mean I prefer hiking to Disney World because let’s be honest, Star Wars Land is going to be epic.
So where do I go from here? I’m not entirely sure, and I guess that’s always been part of the adventure. I am making strides, however, and learning to embrace my new surroundings in both old and new ways. To combat the chilly winter, I have started going to the gym again, something I did regularly in the States. I’m also meditating and saying “yes,” to opportunities to experience new things both in and outside the city. I’m also trying to find things to make the tiny space I live in feel more like a home because living out of a suitcase has been really difficult.
To end on a positive note, I plan to make a photo post soon of all the “mini adventures” I’ve taken throughout the area. Also, know that I do plan to get back to updating this now that I am in a better space, and ready to get things back on-track instead of just “existing.” I mean, I did buy hiking boots.

Yay, work!!
Something I never thought I’d agree with. But yes, yay work!